
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

Hello everyone and welcome to 2012! If you are like me, 2011 kind of went by in a blur and left you in the dust (hence this post not coming until January 4th!). First of all I want to take a minute to thank each and every one of you for joining me here on The Craftinomicon, whether this is your first visit or just another one of many. I love writing these blogs, but without anyone to share them with I'm sure I'd eventually give it up. All of your comments, questions, emails, etc. are genuinely appreciated by yours truly.

The picture above shows several of my favorite projects and recipes from the past year. I can only hope I manage to outdo myself this year with even more great projects for you all to try out yourselves! The Holidays actually brought me and my family some very good news that will be the inspiration for some super awesome crafty projects this year.

First off, my cousin Lindsey and her husband announced on their Christmas card that they are expecting their first baby, due in late June! Everyone is quite excited and you can rest assured that there will be several baby themed projects making their way to the blog the first half of the year (and probably on through to the end!).

Second, and what I am probably most excited about, my little sister got engaged just a couple days after Christmas! Aaaah! Congratulations again, Katie and Isaiah! I am super duper excited! Being the crafty older sister, I am going to be providing ideas and likely several final projects for their special day! If you are planning a wedding or know someone who is, you will definitely want to keep coming back for some great tutorials on centerpieces, paper flower arrangements, folding several varieties of paper flowers, wedding accessories and more. We are frugal people, so these tips will be especially worth note to those of you who are being budget savvy this new year!

I also have a few crafty New Years resolutions that will be making their way onto the blog, as well as into my newsletter.

1) I am going to learn how to make soap this year. I have wanted to try it for awhile, but I am finally going to put forth the effort to research, buy the necessary supplies and then get to work experimenting on making my own soaps! If this is something you've always wanted to try too, get ready for a great journey into the world of soap making with me! If you have any resources that you would highly recommend, I would also appreciate them!

2) I am going to start including scrap projects monthly! My scrap projects ideas and scrap project roundup from this past year were really quite a hit, and the ideas don't stop there, so once a month (maybe more!) I am going to let you in on some great projects to use up scrap fabrics, papers and more!

3) For those amongst us trying to be a little healthier in 2012, I will be trying to limit my sinful dessert recipes on Friday Food Craft posts to only one or 2 a month. Other posts will likely have yummy dinner recipes, including a lot more veggies! I am also gong to be making some yummy breads and side dishes to liven up the everyday dinner fare.

Do you have any crafty resolutions? Are there any projects in 2012 you can't wait to start? I'd love to hear all about them!

Posts featured in above photo are:

Alice in Wonderland painted coaster
Humpback Whale Plush
Easy Bruschetta
Gift Card Envelopes
Make Your Own Bath Salts
Squid Drinking Glass
DIY gift bows


  1. Not that I can't wait to start this project, but I also have a cousin who is expecting. And as usual, I always feel compelled to knit the new baby something. I think I might try this baby blanket ( in this fun rainbow colored yarn. Just not sure if it would be too 'girly' for a boy baby.

  2. Oooh that is a great looking pattern :) I think rainbow would be fine for a boy or a girl, and babies don't care anyway. If you are worried you could always try to find something in a fun color change yarn that uses hues of orange or green. I always find those to be more neutral than yellow.
