
Monday, March 17, 2014

Etsy Crush: Spring Fever

I don't know about you, but I am having some major Spring Fever lately! Last week here in Portland we got a little taste of Spring (it's supposed to cool down and bit and rain more the next couple weeks now, boo!). My super Spring Fever got me searching through Etsy to find some great handmade Spring time items; I have a crush on all of these:

Seeds from SmartSeeds to start your garden this Spring. I ordered the scarlet milkweed pictured above along with some cute French mini melons and Hungarian sweet peppers. I can't wait for my container garden this summer!

This super cute camper birdhouse from birdhouse20. I don't have a yard or any kind of space to put a birdhouse at the moment (I use all my balcony space for container gardening), but I really love the look of these birdhouses.

These planter rings from wearableplanter come in bright Spring colors and can house a tiny plant (they come with moss). Super cute!

Finally, these awesome glass terrariums from Glimpse Glass are right up my alley. I have a TON on hen and chicks from a plant I propagated last September, as well as some air plants I have purchased. I think a cute little hanging home would be perfect for some of them (and my window sill is getting really cluttered!).

Have you seen any great Spring items on etsy or a favorite blog? Leave me a comment to share, I'd love to take a peek!

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