
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Fun

I'm back from another hiatus and thought I should share some of the non crafty things I've been up to in my absence, we can't be crafty all the time, right? These photos were taken from my Instagram account.

1) I participated in the Portland Heart Walk and personally raised over $200 dollars for the American Heart Association. My office had a 4 week walking challenge prior to the heart walk to challenge us to be more active every day and help break us out of our sedentary work lifestyles. Many of us still take an afternoon walk together most days of the work week. I also attended a fundraiser for the Vital Life Foundation, it is a foundation that my company founded and supports to benefit the local community and the residents in our long term care facilities.

2) The hot weather has seen the husband and I going on many a date night to avoid cooking at home and making the place extra hot (Portland is a place that doesn't seem to believe in air conditioning, almost no rentals have it and very few homes have anything above a window unit). It has been a good excuse to spend time together having fancy Happy Hour food and drinks though, so I can't complain too much.

3) Hen party with S'Mores! Leave it to me and my friends to find a great place for a bachelorette party that serves DIY S'mores with a little campfire and everything! I think I may need to get one of the little cast iron "campfire" things myself so I can make my own table top S'mores in the future.

4) Summer in Portland means lots of boats on the river and bridges being raised to accommodate them. It's kinda cool to watch on the weekends (and it makes me thankful I don't work on the other side of the river during the week).

Finally, the hus and I attended the wedding of a couple dear friends last weekend. They were married in Cathedral Park near the St. John's bridge here in Portland. We decided to use my talented husband's painting gifts and create a large painting of the bridge for them to hang in their new home. I'm pretty proud of my guy for being so talented and I know the bride and groom were really touched by the gift. I'll be honest, the only thing I had to do with this is it was my idea, I'm no painter. I just had to share this with all of you as I love the painting and like to brag a little every now and then :)

What has the Summer had in store for you so far?


  1. Looks like fun! What a great painting! We've been doing lots of hiking with the littles :)

    1. Thanks! Where do you usually go hiking? There are so many places to choose from around here, I'm always looking for new recommendations.
