
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moving On Up!

As many of you keeping tabs on me on facebook already know, the lovely hus and I moved into a new apartment this past week. It has been pretty rough in crafty land for me since most of my things have been living in boxes while being moved and rearranging the new place. Also, excuse the lack of images as we currently have no internet hooked up at the new place (it's really hard for me to have no internet!) and my digital camera is still packed away.

The lack of internet will be giving me plenty of time, however, to get my craft corner back together and work on some new projects to share, so make sure to check back on the 16th (hopefully! If I go longer than that with no internet I may lose my mind entirely) I am going to have some cute Spring/Summer themed art projects as well as some more projects that got set on the back burner in March due to packing for the move.

Did I mention I absolutely hate moving? It's on my top 10 worst experiences list. I'll be glad once everything is back in order.

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