
Thursday, April 19, 2012

DIY Agate Jewelry

I'm no fashionista, but every now and then I come across a fashion trend that I like and find myself wondering how I can get in on the action without the huge price tags that often go along with trends. I saw this article on a few weeks ago and was inspired. I used to do some jewelry making back in high school and college. The real, making your own bezels, setting stones, cutting, filing and polishing metals kind of jewelry. But who has time for all of that?

You will notice that many of the pieces in the article have HUGE price tags as well. Sure, geodes and agates are beautiful and make a statement, but who has hundreds to spend on a piece that probably won't make it to your every day wardrobe? That's where I come in: DIY agate jewelry!

If you are lucky, you have some kind of rock or gem shop locally where you can browse through agate slices at your leisure. You may even have the good fortune I did and find a place that has pre-drilled pieces the perfect size for pendants. If not, you can find places online to order your agate slices pretty cheaply, The Fossil Cartel has some online, but you don't get to select your exact size, shape, color, etc. We happen to have a Fossil Cartel store in town, as well as an independent gem and rock shop. Even when I don't make jewelry, I LOVE going through rock shops. You can find some great natural stone beads and other neat things to hoard away for future projects (not that I ever do that...).

To make my necklace I used a slice of pre-drilled agate, an 18" length of jewelry chain, 2 jump rings, a magnetic clasp and one bail (all store bought). Thanks to some sales, the total for my necklace came in at 8 dollars!

The bracelet was even easier! All I used was a slice of agate, a bracelet cuff from the craft store and some E-6000. Make sure you clean your agate and cuff well before applying the glue (I used rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth), apply your E-6000, position your agate on the band and leave to dry overnight (or even better 2 whole days, but who can wait?).

My favorite part about these two projects, is that you can make them with very little to no real jewelry making experience!

What fashion trends are you crushing on? Do you ever try to make your own cheaper versions?


  1. I've always liked colored jeans / pants. I have a bright red pair I rock, ala The White Stripes, every now and then. And a pair of pink capri jeans that are completely murderXcrew approved, when worn with a black top.

    It seems like the fashion industry tries to bring back colored pants every year, but I hardly ever see anyone wear them. I'm guessing it's just too bold of a statement to make for most fashionistas.

    1. I always end up feeling like my butt looks huge in colored pants, probably because all the attention just gets drawn straight to it.

      Good thing I know a personal trainer...

  2. Trends change all the time and I never knew what the 99% of the trends were. I sure love this agate jewelry though! It's very cute!

    1. I'm right there with you. I only seem to notice trends when I actually like them (very rare) and can't afford it :)

  3. AHHHH!!! I needed this post last week. I was traveling and perused a gift shop selling these slices. Had I seen your post, I would have purchased 10! So pretty. Such a great idea. Thank you!

    1. I actually meant to post it last week, but the husband and I were busy moving into a new apartment! Luckily I am going to label this as always in style. Really, who doesn't like pretty jewelry with natural elements pretty much all the time? :)

  4. Has yor agate cuff held up? I just purchased a few agate slices and have e-6000. Just wanna make sure it'll last me for a good while.
    Great diy....thanks!!

    1. It has actually held up great! Just make sure you clean your agate piece well and let the glue dry overnight completely. I made a second and was a little impatient and ended up having to reattach my agate slice. Also, smaller piece that don't have as much stone hanging over the cuff work a bit better as they don't have as much potential to get caught on other things and pull at the stone.
