
Monday, April 2, 2012

April Already?

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but it is somehow April 2nd already! How did this happen? I apologize for being an absentee blogger lately, the hus and I are still gearing up for our move to a new apartment later this week (I just want it to be over and done with--I hate moving!).

I will have some cute Spring projects coming up, and am going to be playing some catch up with posts I was supposed to do last month, but the time got away from me (Seriously? April? I'm baffled). Hopefully I will keep things organized enough that I don't lose all of my in progress projects while moving :)

In the meantime, for those of you keeping up with time, its about time to get started on gardening for the season. I found this great blog post at The Skinny Gourmet about Herb Gardening that is a great resource for first timers, or if you haven't herb gardened with much success, it has lots of great tips!

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