
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zombie Makeup Tutorial

With Halloween fast approaching, I thought I would share this tutorial with all of you on how to apply your very own zombie makeup.

I myself am not exactly gifted with the whole makeup thing, so I had to pounce when my cousin, Carli, posted it on her tumblr. Try not to be intimidated, she has step by step photos and instructions to help you out (Though I am sure her amazing skills as a comic book artist don't hurt in the drawing/makeup department).

For those of you in Wisconsin, specifically the Green Bay area, Carli and her sister, McKenna, can both be seen spooking you out at Terror on the Fox.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!

    At Dragon*Con this year, I went to one of the panels put on by the make-up artists for The Walking Dead, before I went on a zombie walk through downtown Atlanta and then a zombie prom. Anyways, one of the things I got from the panel was that you can make a mask out of pantyhose and fiberfill stuffing. Basically, you take two tubes of the pantyhose and put one tube inside the other. That layer formed between the 2 tubes, can then be stuffed with fiberfill stuffing or whatever else you have, to create all sorts of body deformities. Then makeup can be placed over the outer piece of pantyhose. I thought it was rather nifty idea
