
Monday, February 28, 2011

Super Mario Bros. Cross Stitch

Today I made this little Mario cross stitch. It took about 1.5 hours to do (while I was "watching" tv.) It's something I will probably end up adding on to at a later date, but for today we'll call it done. It was fairly easy to do, since the original image was an 8 bit pixelated video game. I'll be honest, It's kind of a hybrid of two much more complicated projects I had planned for this month that I ran out of time to finish (one cross stitch, and one with Mario).

So look forward to much more crafty goodness in March.

Here is a closer look at Mario himself. He's probably not as nice as he could be, but I like him all the same. It's a nice little throw back to the original Nintendo system, makes me wish I still had mine.

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