
Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Food Craft: Earl Grey Pots De Creme

So the huz and I were at one of our favorite Happy Hour spots several months ago, The Observatory, and happened upon a yummy dessert. THIS yummy dessert. OK, I'm not gonna lie, mine is a bit more of a pudding, but it is darn close and SO yummy. Really, do yourself a favor and make this. It's delicious.

You will need:

3.5 cups whole milk
3/4 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tsp. vanilla extract
6 egg yolks
4 bags Earl Grey tea

To get a good Earl Grey flavor I started by heating 2 cups of the milk until bubbles started forming around the edge of my saucepan. Put in your tea bags and allow to steep for 15-20 minutes. Measure out your other ingredients while you are waiting. (I added the rest of my milk to this after the 20 minutes was over).

Sift the cornstarch, sugar and salt into a large saucepan and add all of your milk. Whisk this together until everything is dissolved. Turn on your burner to a medium heat and stir continuously. Add in vanilla, and then add egg yolks one at a time until they are all incorporated. Continue cooking over medium, to medium high heat while stirring until your pudding thickens (this happens very suddenly so don't walk away). Remove from heat and continue whisking another 30-60 seconds. Pour finished pudding into any serving dish you like; I picked some white coffee cups with matching saucers, but any cup or bowl will do. If you were to make this for a large group, it would be adorable in little espresso cups.

*Note: this makes a rather huge amount of pudding, the original recipe I doctored up to make this said it was 4-6 servings. I like me some pudding, in a nice sized serving and I would argue it makes closer to 8.


  1. It is delicious--I highly recommend it! I'm sure this would work with any kind of tea, but one with a distinct flavor is going to be best.
