Hello all! Last week one of my BFF's and I decided to stage an impromptu themed movie week: we chose the films of Wes Anderson for this go around and I think we will be coming up with several more movie weeks to come! If you follow me on instagram I am sure you saw most of my daily Wes Anderson films.
I thought I'd share the Wes Anderson spirit by showing off some of my most favorite Wes Anderson movie themed Etsy finds!
This sticker from PonjaHija is super cute. It would make a great little pick me up for not only the Wes Anderson fan in your life, but the cat lover as well.
The Royal Tenenbaums is in my top 3 all time Wes Anderson films and I just love this poster of Margot and Richie from BagApart. It may be finding its way to my house soon.
Show that you too are a member of Team Zissou with this nifty custom bracelet from EcelecticredsDallas.
Last but not least, celebrate young love with Sam and Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom! This mug features a super cute illustration and I think it might be a great holiday gift for some people on my list.
Have you seen any good movies lately?