
Monday, August 5, 2013

Diamond Candles Giveaway (closed)

I am super excited to announce this giveaway from Diamond Candles! Diamond Candles creates great smelling all natural soy candles that each contain a surprise ring (ring values vary). I think this is such a cute idea, who doesn't love getting a surprise? The rings range in value from $10 costume jewelry up to $5000! Wouldn't it be amazing to win a candle in this giveaway and end up with a fancy new piece of jewelry to boot?

The good people at Diamond Candles offered me a candle for review and I couldn't pass up the chance. I had a hard time choosing my scent, I love the smell of baked goods (and they have a few varieties in that category), but I was also really intrigued by the Fresh Cut Grass scent. In the end, the Cupcake candle won out-- my husband is a little annoyed when I light it because it smells exactly like cupcakes (and he is sad that there are then no cupcakes in my house for him to snack on). The candle itself is larger than I originally expected (they burn for up to 140 hours!).

My candle burned for about 7 hours before I got out my surprise ring (I used a tweezers to fish it out of the wax). The rings are generally pretty high up in the candle, so you have plenty of your yummy candle left to enjoy after you get your ring. They put each ring in a plastic bag and then wrap that in foil to protect your ring. No wax coating to have to clean off the ring itself!

I ended up with this cute flower shaped cubic zirconia ring. My fingers are pretty tiny (my wedding ring is a size 5) but this one fit my pointer finger pretty well and is a neat little piece of costume jewelry.

Anyway, on to the giveaway...

One winner will receive a coupon code good for their choice of one diamond candle with free shipping! To check out some of the rings people have found, you can check out the Diamond Candle boards on Pinterest or like Diamond Candle on facebook.

Contest is now Closed

Congratulations to Anna Pruitt, the giveaway winner!
This contest is sponsored by Diamond Candles. After a winner is selected I will contact the winner with their coupon code via email. Please make sure to give an active email address when entering!


  1. Melissa Macintosh love candles

  2. ooh,would love to try one of these! they would be a great gift too!

  3. I have been wanting one of these for so long. Thank you for the chance!
