
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nautilus Desktop Theme

As I mentioned earlier this week, just because it is Shark Week doesn't mean sharks get all the fun here on The Craftinomicon! My husband sketched me this cute little nautilus the other day, and I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do with him.

While I'm pondering, I put together this cute little August calendar desktop theme for any of you that may want to stare idly at a nautilus for the rest of the month of August (you can always just tile the nautilus image without the calendar too!). Click the image to enlarge.

I'm thinking he might become some fabric, or I might enlarge it and trace it onto a pillow. What do you think?


  1. I think he would make for a cute embroidery pattern - perhaps with slightly less detail so it's not quite as tedious cut still awesome looking.

    1. Yeah, I was thinking about that. I am going to get some transparency film and see what I can do.

  2. Great sketch. Would look fab on a broadcloth shopping bag.

  3. Very cute! I like your fabric idea. Do you have a tutorial for putting the design on fabric? Would it be washable?

    1. I am actually working on a fabric line on using this image and a couple others. I'll let you all know about it once it is finished.

      There are several other ways I can turn it into fabric myself, I will likely get to a tutorial on that in the near future as making your own fabrics can be super fun (and yes, washable!).

      I'm hoping late October/early November I can have a couple different fabric making tutorials up, so check back or sign up for the newsletter to get more details when it is posted. :)
