
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Latest Crafty Haul

I'm not trying to make you all jealous, but check out the awesome goodies I managed to score during the Grand Opening celebration of the new Sellwood location of Collage here in Portland! I love that we have so many local art and craft supply stores here, and I try to patronize as many of them as I can as often as I can!

I'm not sure what all of these cute supplies are going to become, but all those cute stickers just made me smile! I definitely have two mega themes going on in this purchase: sea creatures and adorable stuff from Japan.

I super love this sheet of paper, I think I might Mod Podge some onto some cute storage tins? Maybe cover up an unsightly corkboard? I might also just sit here admiring it all day. You know, whatever works. I believe my new octopus stamp is going to be gracing some stationery here in the near future as well.

I'm sure some of these stickers will be finding their way to my little nieces in Wisconsin, and I have a mind to share the felt Kawaii kitty love with my Bestie in Atlanta.

Also, believe it or not, that washi tape you see pictured above is the first roll I've purchased. Ever. I'm afraid it won't be the last. Anyone have any particularly great projects they've done with washi tape? I'm seeking inspiration.

Anyone in Portland (or visiting in the near future), I'd highly recommend this shop. So so cute and in such a great neighborhood (not that the Alberta Street location isn't also in one of my fave neighborhoods here!). Plus, if you go to this location you can stop and have lunch or dinner at the super yummy Jade Teahouse (get a slice of Vietnamese wedding cake for me if you do!) right across the street!


  1. Nice crafty score! Love that paper! Love the uber-cute stickers too. :)

    I have yet to experiment with washi tape myself, but I've seen several projects on craftgawker. The simplest project I've seen is just placing the tape onto wood clothespins and using them for cute decorative buntings and such. But I adore this idea of using washi tape on a laptop keyboard:

    1. I remember seeing that washi tape keyboard, it's really cool. I'll have to see what ideas I can come up with.

  2. Cute! I need to venture into the city more often and check out some of these places. Have you been to Scrap? It's totally on my list, I just need to see when I can swing going sans kids :)

    1. Oooh I love Scrap! It's like going on a crafty treasure hunt! Always lots of neat stuff there :)
