
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tablet Cover

I finally finished making and sending all of my Christmas gifts out this year (some will likely arrive a little late at their destinations, but I am still proud I finished!). I received a digital e-reader from one of my employers as a Holiday gift this year, and as a reward for finishing all my other projects I decided to make myself a case for it. :)

I had some of this lovely graphic coral colored fabric leftover from another project and paired it with a mottled red wool felt lining. Add a little velcro, cut to size and sew around the edges and now I have a great little cover for my tablet! If I had a nicer one, I likely would have added some extra padding or gone all out with a zipper or snaps, but this was a quick 20 minute project and now my screen won't get scratched if I carry this around in my bag with me. Also, I love the color combo, it's so bright and fun (not at all like the Portland winter).

Have you finished your Holiday gifting? Get or make anything extra special for yourself this year? I'd love to hear how the Holidays are treating you :)


  1. All I have left so far is to knit a pair of socks for the husband. I make him a pair every year for the holidays. But I usually never finish them in time. I have 3/4 of one sock done, but I have a few days off before Christmas, I may be able to finish.

    Besides the socks, I made a gorgeous knitted wrap for my mom, a couple hats for my boss, neighbors, and husband. But I did sneak in a knitted cowl for myself though!

    Love your fabric choice for the e-reader!

  2. Oooh handmade socks are so awesome! I usually plan ahead and have all my Holiday stuff finished by Halloween, but this year seemed to sneak up on me in the worst way.

    I'm already starting to plan for next year to avoid all the added stress!

  3. Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to do any Christmas knitting (except for Rick's yearly pair of socks). That way I won't stress out about not finishing all of my holiday gift projects. But somehow, the Christmas knitting bug bites me every year, when I think of and then become compelled to make a hand knit gift for someone.

  4. I always try to make gifts for everyone but Christmas just came so fast this year. I finished making little crochet ice skates for all of my teachers. HOWEVER, I still have to come up with a gift idea for my best friend, dad, his gf, and her kids. With only 2/3 days left. AHHHHHH!!!!!

  5. Agreed, I feel like it went from 4th of July to Christmas in about a week this year. I don't usually let time get away from me like that :)

  6. It is turned under and then the whole thing is top stitched. I used heat n bond to hold it all in place so it wouldn't pucker when sewing.

    I'm a huge fan of this fabric, it's actually canvas!
