
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Awesome Quilting Website!

I just stumbled upon the most AWESOME website. If you are a quilter, have wanted to try quilting, or know someone that makes quilts this site is a must see! I can see many projects in my future benefitting from this site. Wanna know where it is?

Victoria and Albert Museum! This site let's you quickly upload any of your own photos and turns them into patchwork quilt patterns. Better yet, it allows you to select the level of difficulty (adding more or less detail to your quilt) as well as the number of colors you want (number of fabrics you will need to complete your quilt)!

As you can see, it being so close to Halloween I decided to use an image of my cousin Carli's Zombie makeup:

This is the image before being quiltafied!

Here is a slightly easier (20x20 square pattern) see, all skill levels!

OMG I need to get myself to a fabric store!


  1. No freaking way! I'm gonna have to try this ASAP! Thanks for the heads up! Also, that is some crazy creepy zombie makeup, lol. Have a happy Halloween!!

  2. Yeah! I'm kind of addicted to this now. I like even turning the most mundane of photos (a picture of my morning bagel) into quilts now! haha it's pretty great, eventually I'm actually going to make some of these, not just a million patterns....

  3. I used a pattern from a site like this and did a picture of my brother's Boston Terrier. I used polymer clay tiles that I made and did it on a 1/4 inch scale. It was awesome. I don't know how to post a pic or I would.

  4. I am beyond thrilled to find this!!! A perfect gift to give my husband , who misses our dog Toby something terrible.. A photo of the 2 of them quilted.. I love it.. thank you SO much for posting this site!!
