
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Magical Mason Jars

Portland has finally gotten a small taste or two of Spring this year, and with that I have my renewed love of gardening and putting everything into a mason jar. They aren't just for preserves to me, once Spring and Summer hit, I want all of my drinks, gifts, desserts(spoiler alert for Friday Food Craft!) and more to be packed in a mason jar.

As you can see, I like to doll them up on occasion and using scrapbook paper on the lid inserts is a great easy way to start your own love for mason jar decorating. I also like to make sticker labels, use a ribbon tie, etc. This is one you can really personalize and go nuts with, and the containers are reusable so you and your friends can pass them around forever if you want!

For the lids you see here, all I did was trace around the circle insert for my lids, cut out the circle inside the lines (you don't want it to end up bigger than the insert). The best part of this is your circle doesn't need to be absolutely perfect around the edges because your jar ring will cover the edges when you close the jar. If you don't have scrap booking paper, or another colored paper, scraps of fabric would also be lovely.

I will be sharing a few more Spring inspired crafts this week and next! What are some of your favorite Spring time crafts?


  1. I love this idea. I like to give my home made jellies as gifts. What a fun way to spruce up the jar!

  2. Thanks! It really is an easy way to make a homemade food gift more personalized. :)

  3. love this idea- so simple!
    also, i ADORE your site background- did you take this picture?

  4. Ansley--Thank you! As for the background, I did not take the picture, it is a template image. I like it a lot too, which is probably why I have been so slow to replace it with one of my own :)

  5. Fantastic idea! I made some pear and ginger jam that I am giving as presents this christmas and wish I had thought of this before! Definitely on my to do list for next year.

  6. I love this idea! So creative! Lovely, now I am going to have to go to the craft store and buy LOTS of cardstock, LOL! I have one question. Did you use any kind of adhesive on them or do you just leave them loose?

    1. I just leave them loose, so I can change them out freely, but you can certainly use some adhesive if you want to keep the same one for awhile.
