
Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Boutonniere Tutorial on Tuts+

Hey everyone! I forgot to mention that I have a new tutorial up on Tuts+! It is for this lovely Camelia boutonniere and includes the pattern for creating the paper flower. Head on over and check it out, let me know what you think.

Perfect for a winter wedding or formal, no?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Bathroom Remodel

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! The new house is coming along (it feels like a very slow process, but many people have told the hus and I that they are shocked by how much we have done already since buying our home in July).

If you follow me on Instagram you have likely already seen much of the progress we have made, but I thought I'd share some peeks of our bathroom (still in progress).

Here is the bathroom floor before we tore it up and laid down new hex tiles. Gorgeous, right?

Here is the floor about half done. Alreadya huge improvement.

Here is the progress from this past weekend. We took out the grimy old fiberglass tub surround and laid new ceramic subway tiles (tiling was definitely easier the second time around, but I don't know how anyone can do this as a job--my most heartfelt respect to anyone in this line of work).

This weekend we hope to paint the bathroom, caulk everything and install the new baseboards. Then I'll have a nice new bathroom, and I can't wait to take some nice final photos to show you all!

Are any of you working on home improvement projects? I'd love to hear what you are working on and if you have any tips or insights!