
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weekend Food Craft: Jello 1-2-3!!

So, I am probably dating myself a bit here, but when I was a kid every now and then my mom would get us some Jello 1-2-3 dessert and we'd feel really special because we got to help make it, and you had to use the blender (fancy, I know!). I was really sad when it got discontinued, and for whatever reason the other day I thought of it and decided to go to the trusty interweb and see if anyone knew how to make a DIY version of this tasty treat (which originally only came in Strawberry and Orange flavors).

My heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw a recipe for my beloved Jello 1-2-3, and decided to give it a try, with nontraditional Peach flavored Jello. Here are the results, and a recipe in case you want to try it yourself:

Jello 1-2-3

3/4 cups boiling water
1 package Jello-the 4 serving size (any flavor)
1/2 cup cold water
ice cubes (to make the cold water raise to 1.25 cups
1/2 cup Cool Whip non-dairy dessert topping

Whip it all together in a blender, pour into serving containers and stick it in the fridge to set. The layers will form as it is setting up in the refrigerator. :)

*I apologize for the bad photo, my kitchen doesn't get any natural light, but if you look closely you can see the three separate layers.

Friday, January 28, 2011

T-shirt Totebag

I was cleaning out the closet a few weeks ago and came across a couple of old t-shirts, that while I still loved them, had seen better days. So I set out to reincarnate them into something else I could love just as much.

Voila! Reversible T-shirt tote bags! All I did was lay the 2 shirts on top of each other, cut to same length, remove the arms and neck (again, I cut them together to keep them the same for sewing purposes), sew the bottom of each shirt together to form the bottom of the bag, pin and sew the necks and armholes together, sit back and admire my fun little tote bag. Now I will be ready to hit the farmer's markets in style this Spring.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I don't want to spoil what has been happening in my craft corner the last few days, but one of the many projects definitely involves this picture (yes there is a reason I have it in a grid format)*:

I will also divulge that February is a Project-a-Day month this year!! That means I have tons of projects in the works, but the final products, as well tutorials, etc. will likely not all be ready until February; it's going to be one heck of a month.

January is not ready to be put to be quite yet though, I have some new totes that will be making their debut this weekend! Check back Friday!

* I'm not sure who did the original poster of this image, but it sadly wasn't me. It is, however, totally awesome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nerdy Inspiration

So I recently saw a few totally awesome crafts this week on CRAFT, and then through a google search of "Optimus Prime crafts" that has inspired me to do one (or many) of my own.

My husband has been an Optimus Prime fan since his was a little kid and he still has that soft spot in his heart, we even made him a costume one Halloween (picture below).

I will be making a trip to Fabric Depot here in Portland today or tomorrow to see what other inspiration catches my eye, but be ready to see some projects of the nerdy persuasion very soon!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back In Business...

So, sadly, after starting my last journey into blogging I was the recipient of two job offers and subsequently fell off the planet (yes, I am still working both jobs).

Never fear! For I am back, and this will prove to be a year full of exciting posts, instructions on some crafty projects and more, much more! (perhaps a giveaway or two will take place, hmm?) I also have some plans for months that will be "project-a-day". Trust me--I'm being very optimistic in this new year, but I feel I can pull it off!

Also, be ready to see an overhaul to the blog itself, as new background imagery and more will be headed this way.